PURPOSE: 2P0.MSG is a patched version of the system message file for OS/2 2.0. 2P1.MSG is a patched version of the system message file for OS/2 2.1. Essentially the same changes were made to both files. They were made from the ones furnished with the system by patching them with DEBUG. The only difference is that the prompt for inserting a new backup diskette for BACKUP is conspicuously different from the one calling for the last backup diskette. It reads "NEW DISK, STUPID", and contains a couple of beeps to help alert the user that a disk change is needed. I made the change because the prompts for the a new disk and for the old disk are easily mistaken, and if you hit Enter at the wrong time you can clobber a backup diskette. For my money, this is a change that IBM ought to make to the BACKUP program, but until they do so, I will use this method. NOTE: The file 2P0.MSG has only been used with OS/2 2.0 with the service pack installed. It probably would work on 2.0 GA, judging from the date of the original file. INSTALLATION: The only hard thing is to get to an OS/2 command prompt without having the system controlling access to the original OSO001.MSG file. To do that, boot your system with the installation diskette, and follow the directions until the blue screen appears and asks you to press Enter to continue or press Esc. Press Esc and you will get an OS/2 command prompt. I M P O R T A N T In the following, if you are using OS/2 2.0, read 2Px.MSG as 2P0.MSG. If you are using OS/2 2.1, read 2Px.MSG as 2P1.MSG. Be darn sure to use the right one. If you use the wrong one, it could get messy. I am not about to try it with the wrong one. To be doubly careful, make sure that the current OSO001.MSG file and the one about to be installed have the same number of bytes. E N D I M P O R T A N T Change drive to your OS/2 boot drive. Change the directory to \OS2\SYSTEM. Copy the existing OSO001.MSG file to a name of your choice (I used OSO001.BAK) just in case you want to recover. Copy the file 2Px.MSG to the file \OS2\SYSTEM\OSO001.msg and reboot normally. REMOVAL: Follow the steps described above to get to the OS/2 boot drive without system control of the OSO001.MSG file. Then delete the patched version of OSO001.MSG and rename the backup copy to be OSO001.MSG. Reboot normally.